Last Minute Shopping Anyone?


In a few days, Christmas will be here. I'm sure this will be one busy weekend for a lot of people. We are planning in going out ourselves to get the little one a Christmas outfit. We get her one every year but we did it much earlier in the past few years. I guess we just got busy that we forgot to do it. I'm expecting the stores to be packed since this is the last weekend before the big day arrives. If it were up to me, I'd rather shop online as I'm sure there is some kind of a sale going on in almost all of the online stores. But since we need the outfit in a few days, I guess we have to brave the crowd and get it done and over with. But I will definitely check out the different sales going on right now online...not for gifting but for my personal stuff. Ha!


honey said…
I feel the Christmas breeze, but my list isn't done yet.. achoo!

Thanks te J for the cheers..uu! I'm almost there.. wohooooo... :)

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