Last Minute Shopping....

Yesterday was one of my older brother's birthday. I was able to call and talk to him to wish him well on his birthday. It’s always nice to talk to my family since it’s very rare that I get to do that. The reception in their area is so bad that even if I want to call them often, it’s just a pain so I just call when I really have to. Anyway, my brother’s birthday is so close to Christmas that I usually have a hard time deciding on gifts to give him. Aside from that, I would usually wonder if I would just give him a 2-in 1 gift. Now that I am thousands of miles away from my family, it's even harder. I don't have any ideas first hand on what he's into right now.

For the past few years, I was able to send my family my Christmas gifts to them weeks before Christmas itself. I guess I was more into it then. Or maybe life was a lot easier then because I didn't worry much about the financial aspect. When I spoke with him yesterday I asked him what he wants for his birthday and/or Christmas. He just said that whatever I decide to get him will be fine. So here I am now trying to find him something to give him. Actually, I am also looking for some last minute gifts for my nephews and nieces as well. The box I am sending back home which should have been there before Christmas is still half empty so I’m looking at the last minute gifts from Kmart that are below $25 since I still need to buy bunches of things. I’m just glad there are places like Kmart where a dollar can go a long way.

I can't wait until all this last minute shopping is done....



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