New Year's Resolutions..


Yep, those things you want to accomplish in the coming year. Lose weight? Be more active? Learn new recipes? LOL...yeah, yeah....I'm too old to be talking about new year resolutions but if there's a good time to actually start making changes [for the better of course], I would think this would be the best time.

Back in grade school, I remember our teachers asking us to write a list on the first day we're back to school after the 2- week Christmas break. I did that when I was teaching myself. I hated doing the list when I was still studying. Why I asked my former students to do the same is beyond me, honestly.

I haven't done any new year's resolution [or a list for that matter] since I don't know when. This year though, I may just write down a list for my 2009 resolutions. Why? I kinda' like the idea of having something concrete to look at and probably accomplish in 2009. What would be in my list? How about 'learn how to drive'?

You? Is there anything you want to accomplish this year?


S-H-Y said…
Yeah, doing exercise i think hehehe..
honey said…
Good thinking Ate J. I also think the same. I plan to drive [secret]. My hubby don't want me to do it. His afraid, he told me traffic in Cebu is crazy.. ha.. haha! I could not blame him..

Bsta yun yong plan ko next year. Hopefully I could make it.. *wink*
Pete said…
Wish you a happy 2009 new year. Wanna exchange links? Thks
Pete said…
I have added you link to my blogroll

J said…
wish, wish, wish. that is to lose weight. sabi nila obsess daw ako with my weight because they don't thin I have to shed off any. the thing is I have significantly grown since middle of this year. kung maibalik ko lang ang 115 lbs on my 5'51/2 frame tuwa na ako. eh, ang tamad mag exercise hehe.

Lynn said…
perhaps, learn how to drive too, mommy J. ako na lang ang di marunong dito sa bahay eh. wala kasi me guts. hehe.

belated merry christmas and happy new year na rin to your family. super busy kaya now lang nakadalaw. ingatz! mwah!
Ciela said…
Imagine, 2009 na?! If there's anything I would like to accomplish on the coming year, that's to go back to some sewing and my little gardening. I haven't given time on these hobbies of mine since I got hold of my laptop.

We have just reached home late last night from Legazpi City. I miss reading your posts.

May your 2009 and the coming years bring you more abundant blessings, on health and on wealth!! Hugs to you, J!
EJ said…
Just came to wish you a happy new year!
Hi Mami Juls, Have a blissful new year! I actually have new years resolution list...I hope to actually do it this year.

May the 2009 bring you and your family more happiness and good health.
honestly, i am planning to pen them all down but i haven't done it yet. i guess my new year's resolution is to learn how to write them all down in paper. ^_^
J said…

a few hours to go and it's 2009 already. how time flies.

Frank and me wish you and the hubs, and E a blessed and healthy 2009!

we have bone chilling temps right now. in fact, we had a little dusting of snow today. good thing, our New Year's eve is just right here at home.

enjoy your media noche!

Umma said…
Happy New Year Mommy J.. Na missed ko ang blog hopping bec we got sicked after we came back from Vegas huhuhu..

Anyway, I wish you and your family more blessings and good health for the new year.. 2009 na.. super fast talaga ang time.. next time you'll realize its the month of MAY na hahaha.

My new year's resolution is.... to avoid sweets... I always crave for desserts these days and i dont like the result huhuhu..
Elow! HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! My new year's resolution? Save, save, and save! Hehehe.

Thanks for the advice Ate J. I promise not to lend anyone money anymore except when they sign proper IOU's and maybe a written personal cheque for my protection hehehe.

I hope I learn how to drive this year too. I also hope nah hindi ko mabangga ang sakyanan namin hahaha! I don't drive yet but watching my dad drive makes me want to ride the bus instead, lol!

I wish you prosperity and more happiness this coming new year. And of course, good health! ^_^
Elvz said…
Happy new year Mommy J! God bless u and your family :)
Shimumsy said…
wishing you good luck and good wishes for 2009. happy new year mommy J.
Anonymous said…
Hi Juliana!... Well, I'm aiming to be a better wife :) and mom... And I have two choices for 2009 - either train for a full marathon or get pregnant :D
Daddy said…
Hi Mommy J. Thanks for visiting my blog. Here to wish you a very very HAPPY NEW YEAR! Will be visiting your blog often in 2009. Keep in touch ya...:)

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