Our Christmas 2008....


We had an early start today...as expected. The husband and I went to bed late because of the 'wrapping party'. The little one was very excited to go to sleep so I couldn't start wrapping earlier even if I wanted to. Everytime she heard something she'd call.

She finally fell asleep around 10..which is an hour later than her normal bedtime. The 'elves' went to work soon after and finished at around 1 AM...sleepy of course. I was hoping she'd wake up a bit late...not a chance. Dad heard her moving around at about 7 AM so he had to jump out of bed because he wanted to capture her first reactions when she saw the presents under the tree. Oohs and ahhs were mostly the sounds we heard for the next hour or so. She liked what she got of course.

The husband and I both fell asleep midday while the little one was tinkering with her 'loots'. She got a lot of hats because she loves [adores] hats and there's not a day she's not wearing one. Here's one of them...with her new toy 'Foxy'....

She likes all of her presents but she of course has a favorite....this one...

It's an Ipod that she requested the last minute. Of course the first site she had to visit was Mom's blog....hehehe....

The rest of our Christmas was spent just relaxing around the house. We watched "Kung Fu Panda" before dinner. For dinner we had turkey with cranberry, cheesy potatoes, baked beans, deviled eggs. For dessert we had the brownies and pumpkin pie we baked yesterday plus some chocolate ice cream.

After dinner, this is what we did....

Yep, we tinkered with my Christmas present and took some pictures with its camera. That's how our Christmas went....well, day is not over yet but there's nothing else to do but go to bed...at least for us anyway. I feel like dropping already while typing this.

I hope you had a great Christmas everyone!


Michelle said…
wow, your christmas went pretty well. merry christmas! :)
Sweetiepie said…
Wow! Indeed, you had a great christmas with your family.......as for us here, our Christmas went pretty well as well although only just hubby and me...Holiday foods make me sleepy, I don`t know why. I ended up taking nap for a few hours. hehehehe. Take care!
Elvz said…
Merry Christmas Mommy J! :)
Cecile said…
Merry Christmas Dear :-) hope it's not toolate to greet you and your family; been busy for two days, didn't turn to computer till tonight after our trip to my borther in-law for christmas :-)

I am glas you have a wonderful one!
bluedreamer27 said…
wow thats great its nice to see that you had a great Christmas i wish you all the best and may God bless you and your family
have a great day
me said…
wow..it seems like you really had a merry xmas mommy J..saw your cool gifts as well..
Madz said…
Hi mommyJ, wow you look great with your pretty daughter, she must be happy to have received her present...

Ours wasn't that bad, but would have been nice if we were at home with family!..

Great to see you again here... GOD BLESS YOU ALWAYS...
J said…
ang bata nga naman. ang daling mabola haha. glad she likes every present. question: that ipod, is it the real thing or toy?pardon the ignorance alam mo na, walang anak malay ko ba kung anong toys available dyan. or real ipod ba? kasi may web browser siya. ay ang gulo ko!

J said…
hahaha, o eh ako talaga igno nga. I would never have thought toy siya kasi may web capability kaya lang knowing how high tech na mga toys akala ko toy. a really awesome gift!

btw, just posted the hubby list tag. sorry for the delay.
Allen's Darling said…
Hi Juls

wow your little girl is now a big girl. She is so pretty lady like her mom. I wish i had like her too. Hu Hu Hu ... Merry xmas and wish you have a bountiful new year. Welcome to year 2009. Wink wink wink...
Elow Ate J! Or should I say, Queen of Halloween (Boo!) hehehe ^_^

Belated Merry Christmas! Sorry late ang bati but better late than never hehehe.

Glad that your family had a wonderful Christmas! Hope you and your family will be more blessed this coming 2009.

Well as for me, balik trabaho cause I'm good as new! I followed your order to get well already. Hehehe. Malaki din nawala sa aking pay cheque dahil 6 days akong nawala sa trabaho huhuhu.

Anyway, enjoy the rest of the Holidays! ^_^
BongFlo said…
the "little princess" is really very pretty. looks to me like she was having a blast trying on her new hat... kami, christmas was spent quietly, mga tulog! i just woke them up at the stroke of midnight, watched some fireworks and feasted on the noche buena together... kalderetang kambing, pancit palabok, a little chinese ham at fruit salad, yon lang, neighbors sent a little lechon and pancit miki. Dumami tuloy handa! overall, it was a fun evening for the kids. natulog ng busog! lol! thats basically how it went for us this christmas. ciao J! merry christmas ulit!
DebbieDana said…
Your unica hija is a real sweetheart! Ganda nya ha! I like her "ipod" gift. And oh, Dana loves deviled eggs, yummy! May tira pa ba? hehe

Christmas is over but there's still alot of christmas parties that we're going to attend, hay!

Hope you have a bountiful 2009!
Ciela said…
Humahabol sa pag-comment kahit na I'm here in Lopez, Quezon.

What a gift! An i-pod for a child. Hindi na ma-reach ang mga bata ngayon. Super techie na talaga sila!

Wala akong masabi sa beauty ninyong mag-mommy! Paramihin pa yang beautiful breed na yan!

Merry Christmas to you and your family! Hugz!
jana said…
wow pretty ladies and cute talaga ng little one mana sa mommy....
The Sweet Life said…
A Very Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year to You and Your Family!!!
Clarissa said…
What a cutie!! Happy New Year to you and your family!! :)

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