Our 'Moving' Nativity...


This is the first year I put a Nativity under our tree. The little one was very excited about it when she saw that there are figures shown in the box. I already explained to her what Christmas is really about so she knows what the Nativity is.

On the day we put up the tree, I arranged the Nativity under the tree like this:

A few hours later, I looked at the Nativity. To my surprise it looked like this....

I guess kids will always be kids, eh?There has been a few 'changes' in position already but she just moves the animals now and not the baby Jesus and Mary and Joseph...and they are no longer standing in line...LOL...


Unknown said…
Lol, at least they're still under your tree. If it was mine, I don't even know if I find it.
honey said…
haha! this one is funny .. :))
Ciela said…
Your little one made me smile again. Ha ha ha...ang kulet na rin!

Hindi kaya gusto lang magpahangin nila mama mary kaya lumabas sila? he he he..

Have a wonderful brand new week!
according to height ang line, good job.
bluedreamer27 said…
hahaha now they are arrange by height
hello juliana
just dropping by to say have a great day
thanks for dropping by at my site as well
its well appreciated
have a great day and Gofd bless
Beth said…
yes, kids will be kids...kktuwa, buti nakuhanan mo!
Umma said…
hello Mommy J ganda.. kakatuwa naman ang little princess mo haahaa
BongFlo said…
reminds me of my two boys and of how they love to disarrange anything. well, thats how they are. nice thing is, it never fails to put a smile on our face. have a great week j! ciao!
Merydith said…
Jul ang cute naman nito. I remember I am always the last if the line is from shortest to tallest. Si Kiko siguro will chew the head off hehehe. We are ok here.
Anonymous said…
This is funny! I used to do this when i was a little kid. :) Nice blog by the way
Rocky said…
Hi! Rocky here. I’m new in the blogging industry and would like to ask for your help in promoting my site www.bibiduck.com through link exchanges :) I will be doing this for a while and rest assured that given an opportunity I will also ask other bloggers to link your site.
I know this is a big favor but in the spirit of Christmas I hope you can find the time to do so. Whatever your decision I will be thankful :) Cheers! Merry Christmas!

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