Post-Christmas Activities


It's been a few days since I last wrote an entry here. I guess I took some break from blogging, eh? The husband has been home since Christmas so we've been hanging around the house most of the time. I'm online most of the time but I just didn't have the time to really sit down and write something.

The little one has been enjoying her 'loots' that 'Santa' brought her. She's been using her iPod a lot as well as the Digital Arts & Crafts. We're taking advantage of her iPod as we've been downloading loads of educational stuff on it. As for me, I've been enjoying my Christmas present a lot as well. I've been doing most of my online stuff on it now. I originally didn't want to since I'm afraid a virus may invade it...I hope not. The husband has also recorded his first video with his new camcorder. The camcorder came with an 8 GB SD card. He wants to get another card for it as back up so he's been looking at different micro sd cards hoping to take advantage of the on going price cuts that a lot of stores offer post-Christmas. Hopefully, he'll be able to find the one he likes.

That's basically what we've been up to the past 3 days. Today we might head out and do some grocery shopping. Not quite sure what time we're heading out though as we're all busy tinkering on something...hehehe....


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