

...post, I mean...hmmm...LOL. I have been quite busy with stuff around the house today so I am only writing post now at around 8 PM where we're at.

Our weekend will probably be very busy. I have some work to do and we have some weekend shopping to do as well. We still have not put up the tree and the little one is getting impatient already. She's been bugging me to put it up for about 2 weeks now.

Anyway....I just want to wish everyone well and hope you...

enjoy ur weekend Pictures, Images and Photos


Ciela said…
Glad to know I'm not alone in putting up the Christmas tree quite late. I just put up ours only yesterday. The lights are to be done yet. For the sake of little one, set up your asap! he he..

Enjoy your weekend too!
Ciela said…
Correction: Set up yours, asap!(Ano ba yan, mali-mali!)
honey said…
Happy weekend ate J. I don't have christmas tree here in my apartment. ang liit kasi eh!..heheh...

cge na set up mo na sayo. I'm sure ericka will sing, smile from ear to ear..
Michelle said…
hi mommy J, got something for you in my blog. just check it out if you're not busy anymore. :)
Lynn said…
enjoy your weekend too,mommy j! (",)

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