Rebuilbing our Lives
Economic Recession. Two words that we don’t want to hear, especially from the administration. That’s probably why it took them a year to finally admit that we are indeed experiencing economic recession since December 2007. What now? Do we start packing our bags and move across the globe? Not quite. It’s no secret that this recession is not only felt here in the US but all over the world so moving will not be a smart decision right now. What is? Stay put and plan for the future. All is not lost. There are some people who are willing to risk their own money in order to help us get back on our feet.This is how Rebuilding of America started…with the goal of helping each and everyone of us. The investment is very affordable at $20 with the promise that the money we invest is secured and all the profit is distributed equally to the investors every year. How is our investment secured? Believe it or not, the $20 that we put in is FDIC insured because it’s put into a Jumbo Certificates of Deposit. The CEO of ROA Jim Jameson has prepared a letter explaining why he started this investment company and how you and I can take part in rebuilding our country and its economy. There are no false promises. Just real and tangible ones. Why not read it and see for yourself how you can be part of this program...then maybe we can start rebuilding our lives together.
