Remote Controls and Men....


What is it about men and remote controls? And I'm not just talking about the TV remote mind you. The husband is big on anything that has remote controls. He actually built a remote controlled plane a few years ago that's sitting in the garage. But because he has been busy with work, this hobby has taken a back seat. Instead of building them now, he'd rather buy them if the budget allows. But give him a reason to get one, and he will definitely get it. During the little one's 5th birthday, she asked for a remote controlled helicopter so that's what she got. Guess who enjoyed the RC helicopter more? Yep, the big boy of course!

Anyway, the little one wanted another RC this past Christmas. It's not part of her original list just like the iPod so we told her that 'Santa' may not give it to her because it's not part of the original list. But being the RC enthusiast that he is, the husband still looked at different RCs online like RC tanks hoping to find one that's budget friendly. Well, we found some but there's just not enough time to get it here by Christmas. So, we are now planning in getting it for the little one's 7th birthday this April. If it's up to the husband though, he'd rather get it now....ha! Hmm...maybe I can get him one for his birthday this February....


Cecile said…
my husband is the same; my son doesn't care much about remote control car, it is the hubby, ako rin minsan nagtataka eh, maybe it it man's things :-) hehehe

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