'Tis the Season of Giving...
Growing up, the only heroes I remember ‘knowing’ are people who have been long dead that we discussed in our Social Studies class. That of course changed as I grow older. I look at my parents now as my personal heroes as well some other people I met along the way. They ranged from friends to former teachers to co-workers to friends. We all have our own personal heroes that we look up to. More often than not, that’s all we do to our heroes…look up to them. There’s nothing wrong with that but sometimes we tend to forget that some of the heroes we look up to need some kind of a helping hand.Sears is making sure that doesn’t happen to the heroes of today. That’s why heroes at home wish registry was started. The main goal of this program is to help today’s heroes and their families have a happy holiday by making some of their wishes come true. With a little donation from us, these heroes will know how much we appreciate all they are doing both here and in other countries. All donations are not tax deductible so every penny we give will all go to the deserving families. Gift cards will be given to these families so they can choose for themselves the things that they want this holiday season. Let’s make this truly a season of giving and help in making their Christmas a little bit brighter.
