Vacation in the Offing?


The husband suddenly blurted out last night that he wants to take a vacation. Hmm...that's unusual. He said he wants to go somewhere, anywhere away from here for a short break. He normally doesn't talk about vacation especially since he started a business. The last time we went somewhere was not really a vacation and it was in 2006. Yep, a good 2 years. I had to attend a conference/seminar in Maryland for one of my jobs. The husband decided to tag along. So while I was attending the 2 day-seminar, he and the little one went around the area.

Anyway, he didn't mention any specific place but he wants to go somewhere close like maybe New York or New Jersey. He really wants the little to experience snow so it may be New York...or Pennsylvania because he has family there. If he decides to go to New York, it would probably be a good idea to see a ballgame, eh? New York Yankees tickets are a bit hard to find during the regular season so we can probably see them during their spring training. Honestly, I've never really sat down and watched a baseball game but there's always a first time. And doing it in person will be a great first time experience, wouldn't it?


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