A Beginner's Luck....


My 2009 has had a slow start, work-wise that is. That’s probably why I tend to get the blues…it’s probably boredom, eh? Anyway, since this year is my high school batch’s silver jubilee, I decided to start a website dedicated to that during my free time. Every year, our high school has an Alumni Homecoming. During this homecoming, the silver jubilarians are assigned to host it. That means the batch in-charge would have to come up with a substantial amount of money to finance it. This year, that will be us. So the website is my little contribution to the batch. At least we will have our meeting place online since a lot of us are miles away from our homeland.

Right now, the website is on a free hosting but I’m planning in buying a domain and have it on paid hosting so the features will not be limited. I’ve emailed my former classmates already asking who has knowledge on web hosting but I have not heard from any of them. I’m trying to read about it myself but I’m not sure if I can absorb all of the information about it. It’s a good Web Hosting Report has bunches of information for a web site hosting learner like me such as price comparison as well as plan features. I particularly like the beginners guide as it spells out what a newbie like me should know. I may just do this on my own after all.


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