
Aren't they cute?? They're the Jolie-Pitt kids and I just couldn't get my eyes off them! I've been staring at them since I saw them in the different online magazines...so I thought of posting their pics here so I won't go back to the sites numerous times....hehe...

Pics from Just Jared


the first baby is totally like a mini-brad pitt hahaha! So cute!

Thanks for the $500 worth na thought hehehe. Learned my lesson. If I am going to lend money I'm going to consider it as giving it away instead.
Nova said…
OMG!!!.. i love the bradgelina team and now seeing their kids has both combination of the hot couples... the 1st are both brad and angelina, and the twins were the same too... oh they super cute.... thanks for sharing te juls, never seen their babies ever not until now...
Ritchelle said…
Aguy,ang gaganda kaya naman eh £7million worth ang first photos grabeh!

Sensya na po naalala ko nga nung sang taon lang ako andito busy sa kakahanap kung sino ang naging haters hikhik.mala brangelina na rin ngeks!
Bless said…
The twins are so identical even if they're boy & girl :-) And Shiloh is very cute big sissy as well. They definitely got their pouting lips from their Mommy :-)
J said…
the Mom's lip is definitely the real thing. otherwise, di ganito ang offspring. so cute!

di pa rin nag start mag bake, still awaiting delivery of other tools. grabe nga ambisyosa baka mamaya mawala ang gana ko pag palpak, then I would have wasted a lot of money on these tools.

musta ang tuesday?
Unknown said…
Angelina and Brad sure did good. They're both so adorable!!!

Anyway, we're supposed to get freezing rain around 1 pm but I didn't see any. The temperature is freezing outside though and still misty. Cooolllld. I'm making sinigang for dinner :)
Umma said…
Im not fascinated with the Bradgelina anymore.. they look so fake..everytime they are being pictured by papparrazi..they always carried their adopted kids but the real kid (Shiloh) was always left with the nanny.

DId you read about the article from the nanny being interviewed?
Lynn said…
oi, they're super dooper cute. kelan kaya ako magka baby ng ganyan? LOL.

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