Cracked Me Up...


LOLOL!!! I just saw these pictures. Again, I couldn't resist myself from grabbing them from the Just Jared website to post them here. How cute is baby Knox with a hint of mustache [with teeth to boot...hahaha] just like his dad....LOL! And those aviator glasses are just adorable....

His picture is obviously photoshopped but it's cute nonetheless....I just had to post them here... again....

Photos from Just Jared


Cecile said…
this is funny :-), thanks for sharing it with us!

visiting here, dear Jules!

have a nice day!
GagayMD said…
Mommy Juliana, i have something for you at

hope you can do this..take care!

blessedmom said…
that really cracked me up! so funny mommy! :)

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