Money Tree....


Wouldn't that be wonderful if there's really a money tree? And wouldn't it be more wonderful if our neighbor's tree IS a money tree? Needless to say I probably wouldn't be whining here about all the dry leaves that keep finding its way in our backyard. I'm sure also that they will probably knocking down my door if a single leaf a.k.a. money falls on our property to retrieve it.

Anyway, 'nuff about the dry leaves already. I'm sure you're tired of reading about it and I'm most certainly tired of talking about it.

Let's talk about my day for a change. A lot of dry leaves fell off my neighbor's tree again....LOL...just kidding. I did housework mostly today as it was raining on and off. I did some hopping and blogging. There was also work released but I didn't do any. I wasn't in the mood so I chose to be more productive in other ways...

I have to hit the sack here soon. Thanks for coming by today. I hope to see you again here....



Umma said…
Hello Mommy J.. I guess you are already in lalala land.. Just passing by here once again to rant about the plane ticket huhuhuh.
Michelle said…
It would be nice if there's a real money tree around. Scientists should make one. :)
Marites said…
Hi Juls, i got a tag for you in my blog here..

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