Overdue Tags...


I have a few tags that I have yet to do. I'll try to post them here as soon as I find them. Yep, I can't locate them anymore. I probably have 4 or 5 tags floating around somewhere but I can't locate them anymore....LOL. I'll look for them tomorrow. I'm sure I'll find them once I go around looking for them...hehehe...

Anyway, I've had a not so productive today...work wise of course. I did the usual chores and did some blogging but that's about it. The weather here is very pleasant the last few days. Lowest are in the 50s and highest are in the 70s since Monday. It will be in the 30s towards the end of the week but that's a couple days to go. Hopefully it doesn't rain because I'm planning in doing some weeding tomorrow if work does not pick up....

Time to call it a day....thanks for dropping by today.

PS...I'll try to do the tags soon...as soon as I find them of course...


hi mommy! i have a tag for you too. here's the link: http://seasons.pinoyvibes.net/2009/01/28/how-do-i-love-my-husband/

please come and get it too if you have time. thanks!

Just About Anything
Chubskulit Rose said…
Hi Jules, kumusta ka na?

You're lucky to be living there in Florida, the weather is always nice!
JonaBQ said…
add these two awards on your list.
have a nice day!
Rokahs said…
sis, i'm okey here naman & tnx for remembering me...but anyway, it doesn't mean that because i was not able to drop by for the past few days, that i already forget you - the truth is you will always be in thoughts wherever i may be...have a nice day and God Bless...
hehehe I got lots of overdue tags too... Whatz up? Hope to see you back at my corner too.. Have a great day!
Lynn said…
sangkatutak na ba, Mommy J? eto may dagdag pa. got an award for u. check it out. LOL.

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