Premium Wordpress Themes


I’ve been quite busy lately. Not with work, unfortunately, as it’s kinda’ slow at present. But that’s okay since I have some other things to do. We got a mail on Monday from the school board here letting us know that they are now reserving spots for homeschooled students for the FCAT exam. It’s a test required by the state and is given to students in Grade 3 through Grade 12. Technically, the little one is only in Grade 1 but she’d probably pass the test if we let her take it but we won’t. Not yet anyway. Regardless, I’m going through the items in the sample test to see what’s covered and I’m trying to cover the things we haven’t covered yet.

Aside from that, I am also busy looking for a suitable template for the blog I started for my high school batch. Like I mentioned here before, we’re celebrating our 25th year and we’re hosting the grand alumni homecoming this December. It’s very much into a work in progress stage. The template I have right now is not a custom one so I’ve been looking for templates online that I can use so it’s more suited to the theme of the blog.

This is how I came across a website that offers premium wordpress themes. WP Remix is a website that offers 50 plus editable page templates to choose from. Yes, editable which means you can do some tweaking on your own if you want to. If you want to see some of the sites that use WP Remix, just visit the Showcase page and take a look at the different featured sites there. WP Remix also has an affiliate program where one can earn, get this, 50% of the sale. I may just join especially now that it’s slow on the work front.


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