[Rein]Deer Tracks??


Our little one, a 6-year old, started having 'doubts' about the existence of Santa Claus days [weeks?] before Christmas. The husband and I agreed that we won't lie to her once the time comes that she starts questioning us about it. She has never really asked us directly if there is a Santa or not. So we're safe for now.

Anyway, Christmas came and went. The little one got busy with her loots that she actually forgot about Santa and his 'existence'. One morning, Dad looked out our front window. As soon as he looked down the flower[less] bed, he went: "I don't believe it!" He saw some deer tracks on the ground. We have deers around the area but we haven't seen any. That's why the husband was surprised to see the tracks so close to our house. All the husband said was that...

As soon as the little one heard Dad's reaction, she went running to him to see what Dad saw. She asked what those tracks were so Dad told her they were deer tracks. The little one's reaction was priceless. She said: There IS a Santa! Those are his reindeer's tracks!

We didn't plan any of those. The tracks were real. She just put things together and came up with that conclusion.

A lot of things happened since then though...and her questions about the big man's existence are still there despite the 'tracks'. We'll see how it goes. Like I said, we have no plans of lying to her. It was fun while it lasted anyway.

Our little one is growing real fast...sigh....


J said…
aha, I guess 2008 could be the last year E looks forward to Santa. she's very wise, and I won't be surprised if she will start asking santa's existence before Christmas rolls in this year.
honey said…
That's nice of you not lying about santa. I remember when I was a kid, even I know Santa is not real I still sabit medjas[socks] in the window..hahahha! Tapos, the next day, voila I had 50 pesos.. hahaha...
Umma said…
At least for now, you're safe from her questions that Santa indeed is real.

What an innocent smart reaction from your princess.. Kakatuwa she literally said those words. Yes, kids grow so fast.. Just like my little one.. he 's already 1 year old.
Nanaybelen said…
Hello. i am here again. how are you na?
Anonymous said…
dropping here
Ciela said…
Hay, kids grow so fast talaga! Just enjoy her innocence for now which I think will soon be gone.

Btw, are you coming home for your next reunion, J?
Nova said…
well..kids are really kids... soon enough they'll figure it out... and for us parents will be the guidance, i'm sure your angel is smart enough to understand everything when time comes... thanks for the visit dear...
Shimumsy said…
kids are very smart. enjoy mo nalang muna while santa is still a mystery to her. i'm sure she would have a lot of stories to tell about santa when she is older.

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