I woke up to a very cold day. I first felt the freezing temperature when hubby left for work. The current temperature is in the 30s but I'm hoping that it will go up to the 70s later so I can do some weeding outside...
Anyway, I got a couple of tags to post. One is from Eds of Just Me...eDs while the other one is from Kaye of Random Wahm Thoughts...thanks ladies.
...from Eds...I'm supposed to list 5 of my addictions....hmmm....I don't think I have any actually but I have some things I *really* like...chocolates, cakes, laptop, blogging...that's it I guess.

from Kaye...I'm supposed to list 6 things about me. Since I just did a post on that yesterday, I'm going to put a twist on this one and list 6 unforgettable things that happened to me throughout the years....how's that?
1. During my first year in college I got lost on my way from school to the dorm. I took the wrong jeepney. I got off the jeepney and tried to find my way back to the dorm...walking at around 7 at night. Scary to say the least.
2) I was not allowed to board the plane on my first trip to Taiwan. I didn't have the POEA permit because I was told [by the principal and my co-teacher traveling with me] I didn't need it. I told the Immigration officer that with my co-teacher vouching for me [she didn't have the permit herself and never did for the last 17 years she's been teaching in Taiwan]. That didn't work. I was not allowed to board while my co-teacher went through with no problem. I went back home then to POEA to get the dang permit against my principal's advice. I was the first Filipino teacher in that school in Taiwan who had to secure a permit from POEA to work there...talk about being a 'pioneer'...LOL...
3) I was riding the LRT that was bombed on December 30, 2000. I was on the 3rd coach...thank goodness.
4) A RayBan sunglasses given to me by my father was snatched off my face while riding a jeepney along Baclaran. I cried all the way home to Pampanga.
5) That same night, my father came home with a new pair for me. Not sure where he got the money since those buggers are expensive.
6) I had to sing solo in front of hundreds of people [mostly Taiwanese parents and students] during the Parents' day celebration in our school in 2001. It was nerve-wrecking considering I am not a singer and I have 'stage fright'...
Hey you're so fortunate you've been spared from that LRT bombing. Praise be to God!
Btw, I wanna confess to you! You are not "ulyanin", I am the one. I just found your 1st comment on my Rustom post"moderate comment". I didn't notice that I haven't published it. I saw it again just now. However, when I was about to click "publish" I accidentally clicked "reject". Careless me!! I remember having read it in my email, that's when you mentioned you saw them in BF. Ay yay yay! Am really sorry J! Ako ang ulyanin at careless pa! I just got up from bed kasi at 3:30 am e! (Nag-alibi pa e!)
yes, I woke up early coz I went to bed early too, at around 10:00pm. five hours is my normal length of sleep e.
'kala ko papagkamalan kang terrorist kaya di ka allowed to board haha.
nasa 20's pa rin kami dito. buti na lang, I didn't have to go out today.