Back to School


I visit a work-at-home Mom chat board regularly. It's like my water cooler since I work at home. I get to read about other WAHMs perspectives. It's also there that I found a few of my work at home jobs. Anyway, the common topic there right now is how to survive during this difficult time. We at the work at home community are also very much affected with this economic chaos going on. It's either we're not getting work or some are being let go. A few of the Moms there are looking for a way to make money some other ways. One of the suggestions is to go back to school. Hmmm....not a lot of Moms would want to do that. But a couple of them decided to give it a try and has been looking for a university online so they can still stay home while getting an education. One of them is thinking for getting a medical transcription course since it's one of the fields that's not badly affected with the crisis. So far, she's having a grand time being 'back to school'. I may just give that a try.


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