

The husband just called. He’s still at work and he has no idea what time he’s coming home. He’s frustrated, I’m frustrated but if there’s anyone who’s probably the most frustrated about him working on a weekend, it’s the little one. She waits for the weekend with great anticipation because Dad will be home so you can just imagine how sad she felt when Dad told her that he may have to work this weekend. She spoke with him when he called to say “I only want to say I love you”. The hint of sadness in her voice can’t be denied when she said that. I’m just letting her watch her Madagascar DVDs to at least amuse her and somehow forget that Dad is working today. Like I mentioned in my earlier post, if the economy is not this bad I would discourage the husband in giving in to their customer’s unreasonable demands but with the way things are, they cannot afford to lose customers.

Needless to say, the husband has been stressed out lately. His face is breaking out that even the daily application of a cream [that normally works] has been useless. I’m almost certain that things will be as stressful if not more stressful for him in the weeks [even months] to come. I am hoping that we can go on a vacation short as it may be so he can unwind and relax. But where can we go and what kind of a get- a-way is relaxing? Maybe we can take one of those Golfreisen [or golf holidays] that a lot of golf lovers take. But golf lover the husband is not…not yet anyway. He said he tried to play once eons ago and he didn’t like it. But he’s much older now so he may just have a change of heart regarding this game…especially if we go to a place like Golf Reisen . Maybe. I just know that he needs to de-stress sooner or a Golfurlaub may be in the offing.


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