How Do I Love Thee....SMS version


How do I luv d? let me count d ways.
I luv d 2 d dpth n brdth n h8
My sol can rich, wen felng outa syt.
4 d ends of being n ideal grys.
I luv d 2 d level of evry day's
Most qyt nid, by sun n candlyt.
I luv d frilly as men stryv 4 ryt;
I luv d purly as dey turn frm prys.
I luv d wid d passion put 2 use
N my old grifs, n wid my childhoods fyth.
I luv d wid a luv I semd 2 lose
Wid my lost synts--I luv d wid d breth,
Smyls, tyrs, of al my lyf? N f god chos
I shal but luv d btr aftr deth.

Hapi Valentyns 2 Al!


Disclaimer: This was just forwarded to me...and I am just reposting...for fun. Peace Elizabeth Browning!!!


Ritchelle said…
haha,ang laki ata ng disclaimer? Happy Valentines uli..
""rarejonRez"" said…
haha! if my english literature teacher could see this, lagot ka!!! lol

happy valentine's dyan sa inyo! :)

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