Mom on a Budget


The husband finally made it home around 6 last night after working for 12 hours, yes on a Sunday [as well as Saturday]. But like I said, I shouldn’t complain because he has a job even if that job keeps him away from home 7 days a week. He said that it will not be like this all the time though. As a matter of fact he’s not even sure when the next order will come but we’re keeping our fingers crossed that something else will come after this job. In the meantime, we are trying our best to stretch every dollar we have to survive this economic crunch. Thus I am always on the look-out for places where my dollar can go a long way…a long long way.

Mama's Daily Deal is one such place. It’s a newly launched site where a great deal is offered everyday. And when I say deal, it means it’s the "real deal". What kind of a deal? How about a brand name baby product [or a mommy product] that is on a 61% discount like the stroller that is on sale right now? Check it out. It's the perfect site for a Mom on a budget like me!


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