Pesky Pop-Ups...


Fortunately, it's no longer the bad ones [ya know the 'p_rn] but they're still pesky and irritating nonetheless.

Someone visited my blog last night. It's new a visitor. I clicked on the name and as soon as I did that I saw another window open up. I thought it's just the Bravenet exchange window that bravenet blogs offer. I closed the extra window. After I did that, another window came up this time bearing the logo of my anti-virus program. It was a WARNING that my computer was invaded by virus! NOT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It was one of those pop-ups that want you to download something to 'get rid' of the so-called invaders!

Since I was using my new laptop, I kinda' panicked a bit. So I clicked on something without thinking clearly. I thought it's my anti-virus that came up. It's only when I saw that the dang thing was blinking did I realize it's a trap! Arrggggghhhh!!!!!!!!!! Good thing I was able to stop it before it downloads anything. Geeeezzzz......Anyway, I ran my anti-virus just to make sure no virus went in my computer. Thank goodness no threat was found.

To say I'm pissed is not even close! I am royally pissed that I want's not worth the aggravation...still I was aggravated! Hay.....


J said…
hala, kakainis nga naman. ayan tuloy, nataranta ka more so that the new laptop was in use.

labada day, as usual. I'm back to my usual grind.
honey said…
hala! ka inis naman talaga yang virus na yan te...

btw, life in manila is exciting jud te.. grabeh I love my new life here, but I love to be with my husband the more...
Shoshana said…
Oh I hate it when that happens. Just so annoying.
Beth said…
you have a pop-up blocker? you can enable the pop-up blocker so you won't be annoyed by it, also so that any virus threat will be nipped in the bud, so to say. :)

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