Shopping for Books....


Happy Valentine’s Day everyone. Any plans for today? We have nothing planned for today but then again we don’t usually plan anything on Valentine’s Day which is perfectly fine with me. The husband is at work while the little one is watching her Disney channel. We got something from Dad for Valentine's day and I will be posting it a little later on. As for me, I am busy searching for some text books that I need for the little one. That’s on top of the books that I need to get her for night time reading. Like I mentioned before here, she already finished all the books that I got her before Christmas. We got her a 3-book in one of the Nancy Drew series. She already read the first part so she still has 2 more to read so I really need to start looking for more books for her.

Fortunately, I may have found some good ones in the borders jan 2009 books that I can buy for her. I have yet to ask her which ones she likes as she’s getting more choosy now so I can’t just pick out the books that I like, well for me maybe. She likes mystery books or so she says but I know that she likes the books where she can relate with the characters. Whatever she chooses, I’m just glad she likes books at such a young age.


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