Way Overdue
I had a busy day today. After weeks of waiting for work to come, it finally came. As luck would have it, while I was doing some work for one company I got an email from another company I work for asking me if I wanted to take part in some kind of a testing…paid testing. The company is trying to come up with their own software that we can use for work. Right now, we’re using a software by another company which of course means monthly subscription fee. They are hoping that with their own software, they can get away with the subscription fee. It seems everybody’s doing something to cut corners, eh? Anyway, I obviously said no because I was in the middle of something. I just hate it when that happens. Why can’t work be released sparingly so I don’t have to choose?
Anyway, I didn’t have time to blog or hop. I also had to ignore some messages in my instant messengers because I didn’t have the time to ‘chat’. If only ‘chatting’ pays, then I would be one happy girl. But it doesn’t so it has to wait. When a friend buzzed me earlier, I replied quickly and let her know I couldn’t chat for long. She’s a bit disappointed because she really wanted to talk. I kinda’ have an idea what she wants to talk about. Hint: It has something to do with her "heart". She’s someone who has been looking for a husband for as long as I can remember. She thought she did but it didn’t turn out well. That really broke her heart. She thought she found, you know, “the one”.
For a while there I thought she did. She was very optimistic about the whole thing. She even compared what was happening to them with what happened to me and my husband…meeting online then in person and eventually starting a family. Unfortunately, she wasn’t as lucky. So we’re back to finding ‘the one’ for her. Yes, WE! I’m more than happy to help her that’s why I let her know about promising sites like passion search where people like her looking can meet. I just stumbled upon this site recently and it does look promising. My friend and I are thousands of miles from each other so that’s the best I can do for her now…and chatting of course. Anyway, it’s free to join the site so there’s really nothing to lose if she joins. I just keep my fingers crossed that one day ‘the one’ for her will finally come. He’s way overdue already.
