Weekend At Last!


Not sure about you but I've been waiting for the weekend more than ever. We don't have anything planned though. We're just staying at home. Last weekend, the husband worked on both days so the little one started asking Dad on Monday if he'll be home this weekend. Well, he is home this weekend so the little one is one happy camper.

There's another reason why the little one is happy. It's Dad's birthday today. She's been counting the days and now it's here. We baked him a cake and she told him not to go out of the bedroom because she doesn't want him to know we're baking a cake. Ha! We could have planned to go out but I'd rather stay home because he had been working so much the past 2 weeks he needs all the rest he can get. Actually, what he needs [we need] is a vacation. But he can't take it anytime soon because they have so much work to do right now. I guess that room in an Anaheim California hotel would have to wait, eh?


Unknown said…
How's your weekend Mama? It was really windry today and still is. And temperature was mid-50's but it felt colder. We went to a garden store to find some grass seed and then grocery. Stayed home after that, too cold to go out!

Hey I just realized i still have to make you the header! Will work on it tonight!:)
J said…
Happy birthday to the man of the house! How was the cake?
Ciela said…
Happy birthday to your lovey dovey!! Good for you, you know how to bake. Special cake yan, for sure.
I could only imagine the happiness and contentment of the li'l princess with her Dad beside her. Did she sing to him her top rating piece?

Feeling quite well now after being treated to lunch in Bale Capampangan in San Fernando, Pamp.he he.. Ang sarap talaga ng lutong kapampangan, J! Superb!
""rarejonRez"" said…
happy birthday to the king! i'm sure the queen and the princess had so much fun w/ the cake. asan na? can i have a piece? lol
Lynn said…
belated happy birthday to your honey bunny, mommy J. all the best for him. :)

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