I Am a Wife, I Am a Mother...a tag!

Got tagged by Eds and Cee. Thanks ladies!


1. Link with the person who tagged you.
2. Copy above images.
3. Post this on any or all of your Blog/s.
4. Answer the two-part questionnaire following these Rules. (Feel free to elaborate your answers. For questions 8 - 14, post only the one (1) which you believe best describes your choice.)
5. Share this with at least seven (7) friends on your Blog Roll.
6. Come back to Living A' La Mode (DO NOT CHANGE THIS LINK PLEASE.) and leave the URL of your Post in order for you/your Blog to be added to the Master List.

Master List:
1. Tet of A Sweet Taste of Life
Cee of Living A’ La Mode
Dez of My Life in this Wonderful World

4. Vanniedosa of Life With Style
5. Eds of Eds Mommy Life
6. Juliana of PinayWAHM

7. Have fun!

Parenting Style

1. Do you exercise full or minimal control over your child's / children's behavior?

--> Full control when I'm the only one with her. It depends when she's with both me & Dad.

2. Do you expect your child / children to obey 100% or let her / him / them do what pleases her / him / them?

--> At her age [she's 6], I expect her to obey for the most part.

3. Do you welcome discussion or you simply set rules?

--> If a discussion is possible, I certainly welcome it.

4. Do you reprimand?

--> Yes.

5. Do you use spanking for punishment?

--> I have never resorted to spanking [and I'm hoping I won't ever] because she listens most of the time.

6. Do you use some kind of a reward System for motivation?

--> Sure.

7. Do you enjoy being a Parent?

--> Absolutely.

8. Are you a hands-on Parent or do you have a full-time Nanny?

--> A full-time Nanny is what I am so I'm a hands on 'Nanay'....hehe

9. At what age would you let your child make simple decisions for himself / herself?

--> She already makes her own decisions on certain situations.

10.Do you and your Husband have the same Parenting Style?

--> Most of the time. We came from different cultures so there will always be a difference in style...parenting included.

Wife Style

7. How long have you been married?

--> *Seven and a half years.

8. How do you feel about being a Wife?

-->* It's fun [and fulfilling].

9. What has been your typical sleeping attire since you got married?

-->* Pajamas...with a night robe because I don't really like blankets so I have to be covered one way or another.

10. How do you show how appreciative you are of your Husband?

-->* By being always affectionate.
-->* By cooking his favorite dishes sometimes.

11. What do you do when your Husband annoys you?

-->* Keep quite for a little while...I used to do this a lot but I learned to....-->* Just ignore whatever it is.

12. You are buying or planning to buy your first house as Husband and Wife ....

-->* It is / going to be in a suburb close to a big city--> we already bought our first house together but it's not our 'dream house' yet.

13. How does your house look like at the end of the day when Hubby gets home?

-->* It depends on how busy I've been during the day but it's always presentable. I always make the bed in the morning [either before or after breakfast]. And for the record, he's the neat type so he has no clutter...only in the garage which happens to be his domain.

14. How do you feel about running a household?

-->* Always motivated. I love running a household...maybe because I have a husband who is responsible which makes it a lot easier for me.

15. What is the sweetest gift you have given your Husband so far?

-->* Our little one...haha. Material thing....his recliner I guess.


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