And then she's SEVEN!

Yep, our little one is not so little anymore. I know it happens but it still kinda' sad to note it won't be long before she thinks Mom or Dad is not cool anymore. Wahhh.....


Vhiel said…
oh goody... that is something I have to look forward to... in the coming years.... i really like the songs that you used for the video... Ysah is turning 3 this year and she is growing like a weed.. talking non stop.. its exhausting.. :)

nice to drop by again. I seldom do blog hopping now... busy masyado sa school....
J said…
ang haba na ng dalaga mo. is she tall for her age ba? now tell me, you baked that cake? I will never be able to do something as perfectly decorated as this one.

I like the concept of the video, and the music too. who's the brains behind?

late ako, kasi ang daming extra curricular activities today.
oh wow! happy 7th to your daughter. time really flies... anyway, please send me one magnifying glass just like the one in the avp. hahaha... bulag na ko pag walang eyeglasses.
Happy to your little girl! 7, uh? Big girl na. She looks so pretty each day. More wishes!
Weng Zaballa said…
wow! belated happy 7th bday to your little lady...

i've been on a hiatus for more than a week. nagbakasyon sa province hehe.
Gorgeous MUM said…
a belated 7th birhtday to your not-so-little princess! in a few more years, you'll have a teener! but for sure she'll grow up to be just as nice and smart like her mum!

wishing erica the best!

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