Another One Bites the Dust...


Sort of. The little one lost another tooth last night. The tooth had been wobbly for weeks but it wouldn't come out. She DARED me to pull it out a few week ago but I didn't want to because it was still very much attached to her gums. I told her once it's loose enough I would pull it out.

It's been bleeding everytime she brushes her teeth so I thought it maybe time to take some drastic measures....and that's exactly what I did! I PULLED IT last night. I think I was more nervous than her because I wasn't sure if it would hurt or not. It didn't. Whewww....

So last night, we got a visit from the:

So now...she's RICH! [according to her anyway]


J said…
hala, lumalaki ang collection niya from the tooth fairy.

musta ang Sunday?
honey said…
hehehhe.. I remember my husband telling me about the tooth fairy..

this is cute...
Madz said…
heeheehhe, nice story for kiddie mommy J.. msakit kya dba, it reminds me of my early age na ako lang nagbubunot ng mga ipin ko... urrrggghhhhhh

How are you doing? have missed you mommy J....God bless you always and ur family...

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