Cheap but Reliable


It may be the first time I've experienced this kind of weather here. We've been having some water crisis for a quite a while now so the rain was a welcome respite to the drying lawns around here. But a T-O-R-N-A-D-O? Now that's never welcome anywhere. The tornado landed in another county but we had some nasty thunders for most of the morning. It's still drizzling while I type this and it was gloomy the whole day. I only turned on my laptop to look at some web hosting sites that my husband asked me to check. When the thunder and lightning started again, I had to shut down my laptop because I didn't want to take the risk. I'm about to start surfing again and start looking for a web hosting site again so I can check it off my to do list. It's not for me though. I am tasked again by my 'boss' to look for one...hopefully, I'll get paid for it...but I doubt it.

Anyway, I have to find that web site as soon as possible because their subscription with their present one is about to run out and they don’t want to continue with the same service because it’s expensive. They actually have a 3-year subscription with them. Now that their contract is about to expire, they want a different provider with a much cheaper fee but with a reliable service…kinda' like me. LOL….


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