Cutting Back....


This year will be a perfect time for me to visit family & friends back home. It’s my batch in high school’s turn to host the alumni homecoming because it’s our Silver Jubilee. My nephew is also graduating from medical school so it’s going to be one exciting time for my family. But I am still undecided if we should go for a visit or not. The husband and I had talked about it but with the way the economy is, I’m just not sure I’m willing to spend so much for the trip….unless we can come up with ways to set aside some money by cutting back on some things. So I started looking where we can cut back. Our weekly grocery bills will be one. I think we spend WAY TOO much in groceries. I am also looking into the Dish Network Deals that advertised online.

When we moved, we got a great offer from the cable company. That’s because it’s one of the ‘packaged deals’ where phone, internet & cable are in one bill. It worked out for a while until outages happened too often. We decided to drop the phone & internet with them and we kept the cable TV. Well, after seeing the Dish Network Offers, I think we’re paying way too much for our cable service….WAY TOO MUCH! How much? Let’s just say that if we switched to Dish Network from our present cable provider, our bill on that department will be cut in half. Now, if that’s not savings, I don’t know what is.

Whew! By the rate I'm "saving" [on papers], my piggy bank will look like this!


bluedreamer27 said…
hello there julianna
just dropping by here again
have a great day and happy blogging
honey said…
Hi te... dami pera dito ah!... hehehe..

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