

Vacuuming that is. I also cleaned the little one's bedroom. I went through her drawers and took out the clothes that don't fit her anymore and some winter night clothes that are taking too much space. I also cleaned her 'art' drawer which becomes her dumping place for cut-outs as well. So, yay!

Anyway, everytime I clean I can't help but start to get a little bit stressed out. Not because of the mess but because of a huge empty spot on our living room. What's the spot for? It's actually for a customized corner curio that we ordered from a guy in Georgia months ago. It's not done yet and we're patiently waiting for it. Everything we have to order from the plasma tv mount to the center coffee table will have to wait because we want that curio in place first. From the looks of it, we may have to get those things without the curio. I just hate it when people don't keep their end of the bargain.


Gorgeous MUM said…
Mummy J seems to be busy lately!

Don't work too hard!

Take care!

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