Las Vegas


What week we've had here in our neck of the woods. For the first time since I came here, a tornado landed not too far from where we're at. It also rained a lot before and after the tornado. Today, the weather is back to normal and it's almost in the 80s now. I whined a bit about it because we weren't able to go outside for a couple of days but now that it's dry and hot, I don't feel like going out there.

Next week, it will be warm [hot?]. I am hoping it won't be too hot to stay outside. Anyway, the husband will be going out of town sometime next week. I am tempted to ask him to take us with him so we can take a little vacation together...but it's a business trip so maybe not. How about I research some Las Vegas hotels and convince him to take us on a trip there instead? Can you believe he hasn't been to Las Vegas? I've been there once but it was only for a couple of days. I still want to go back and explore the parts I wasn't able to explore that time. I'm just not sure if the husband would be willing to go to Las Vegas. It's just not his cup of tea.


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