The Task at Hand....

Document Shredding is something unheard of to me until I came to live here in the US. In my former life, I didn’t see the need to do that. My husband was the one who told me that I had to start doing that a few years ago because my identity can easily be stolen from the papers I toss in the trash. Talk about scary. I started shredding but not 'that' seriously. I guess I needed some kind of a rude awakening to make me believe that document shredding is actually a serious business. A friend of mine became a victim of identity theft. Like me, she also didn’t think it can happen to her so she’d toss out some papers which had some of her personal information. Before she knew it, she had been victimized by some identity thief. As a result of her ordeal, she practically had to start from scratch to rebuild her identity again. She said it was such a pain in the neck. After what happened to her, I started document shredding as if there’s no tomorrow. I’d shred even the junk mails that had my name on them. Overkill I know but as the saying goes: An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! I can only agree...