
Here's one! This is a picture that a good friend of mine sent me over the weekend. She and her friends went on a short trip to the beach this weekend. It’s very nice, isn’t it? She said she took it from her hotel room as soon as they arrived and sent it to me right away to make me ‘drool’ I guess…LOL. I showed it to hubby and all he could say was: pretty. After seeing this picture, all I can think of now is going to the beach. I know it’s only spring but here in our state, it certainly feels like summer. Right now it’s in the upper 70s already and it’s only 11 AM. So yes get-aways such as holidays in Caribbean are definitely very tempting…especially after seeing that picture.

Honestly though, I’ve been thinking about going on a short vacation even before I got this picture. Two weeks ago, hubby’s brother came down for a visit. He said that he and his wife just came back from a 3-week long vacation. They took one of those Cuba Holidays and he couldn’t stop talking about it. He has retired from his job after 20 years with the company so they have been enjoying some much needed get-away eversince. They already went on a cruise a few times and had been to the Caribbean as well. Their kids are all adults now so they can now go by themselves without thinking: baby sitters. We still have the little one but we wouldn’t mind to take her in one of those holidays to Cuba because she’s so much fun to take on trips right now. She’s very curious about everything and she appreciates everything around here.

I can’t wait to take that much needed vacation with the little one and the husband. Hopefully, once we finalize everything with an ongoing transaction, we can take a few days off and head off somewhere relaxing.


Hi old lady! LOL!

Thanks for the comment it really cheered me up. =)

Ganda naman nang pic. But my dream vacation is still going back to the Philippines and going on a shopping spree lol not to mention eating spree at native restaurants! LOL!

Have a great week ahead!
MammaDawg said…
I know what you mean about going away on vacation - I just watched "Vicky Cristina Barcelona" and the sights were bee-YOO-tiful!!

Would love to travel there some day. Some day when the kids are grown - lol!
Ciela said…
So you're thinking of going on vacation huh! Me too! I have long wanted to see Boracay.(Not the Caribean.)How about coming over and be there too. (Lol)


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