Time Flies!


Time surely flies. Our little one just celebrated her 7th birthday not too long ago. I still can’t believe she’s no longer that itty bitty baby that was so dependent on me. I know it will only be faster from now on so I’m bracing myself for that. Now, if her turning 7 is not enough of a reminder of how time flies, my niece told me that her brother will be graduating from medical school a few weeks from now. The same little boy I helped taking care of when he was a baby is now getting ready to become a doctor. I’m happy he’s about to embark on his lifelong dream but I can’t help but be reminded that I am indeed getting old. Ugh! I also have to start looking for a graduation gift for him. I’ve already narrowed down my choices to a few but I’m leaning more and more in getting him one of the rotary watches I’ve come across online. Yep, a watch. Doctors need a watch, right?

My father was a “watch” man. He loved watches so I grew up seeing different brands. I remember him coming home wearing a different watch everytime. I thought he owned them all when I was younger. He didn’t. His friend fixed watches for a living. A lot of times, the watches he’d fix would remain unclaimed which meant they would be his after some time. So he would let my father wear them as a way of advertising the watches, like rotary watches as well as other brands. We were also able to wear different watches when we were kids so yes, the fascination with watch also grew on me and my siblings.

Anyway, whenever I look for gifts, especially for men, a watch is always on top of my list. And it’s not any different this time. I don’t have a big budget for this gift but I want to give my nephew something nice…and affordable. Guess what I’m looking at now that are nice and affordable? ROTARY WATCHES! Yep, I found what I want to get him. My only problem now is which one…innie minnie minie moe…


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