Winter is BACK!


What happened to spring? No idea here. It's mostly in the 50s around here today so we had to wear jackets over our 'supposed to be spring attire' when we went to the doctor for my appointment. It will even be colder tomorrow. We will wake up with a temperature in the 30s I think. Although it will get warm towards the end of the day but's supposed to be S-P-R-I-N-G....

My doctor's appointment went well...well, aside from waiting for the doctor for about 30 minutes and waiting in line at the drugstore for more than an hour to get my prescription...ugh! I have hyperthyroid which means my thyroid is producing too much hormones. I also have goiter as a result of this [I think]. I was surprised by that because I always equate goiter with 'bulging' neck My neck looks fine to me but that's what the thyroid ultrasound showed so who am I to question it, right? I am now on medication to slow down my beloved thyroid from producing too much hormones.....hmmm. I need to have some blood work done after a month to see if the pills are working or not then off to the doctor again.

Basically, that's it. My blogging will still be very sporadic because I just don't feel like blogging much nowadays. Hopefully it's something temporary only. We'll see....


buti naman at alam na kung ano sakit mo. madali lang gamutin yan. yon nga lang it comes and goes.don't worry at you'll be fine. =)
Lynn said…
hello mommy j.

thank u for the visit and get well soon. :)
Micawatson said…
True...Winter again.
bluedreamer27 said…
thanks god we dont have winter here kasi sa electric fan palang nangangatog na ako sa ginaw eh hehehe
J said…
oo nga, it's winter again dito sa amin. in fact, we had snowfall this morning that lasted for 30 minutes daw,sabi ni F kasi tulog pa ako nun.

how was your wednesday with the chatterbox?
Hi Korean! Este Ate J hehehe. It's too bad that you have hyperthyroidism. But on the bright side, weight loss is a symptom, LOL!

Oo nga pala noh? Holy week na pala. Hindi ko masyado ramdam dito ang Holy Week. Yeah malamig pa rin ang spring dito sa amin, -2 celsius but masgusto ko ang slight chilly na weather kaysa hot weather.

Anyhoo, my plans for penitensiya? To go to work! As in, I'm not supposed to have work but that's my way of sacrifice. Lol! Beats staying at home cleaning. at least sa work, I'm paid to clean hahaha!
Unknown said…
Hey Mama, I'm still alive. I'm the last victim here. Colds that is. Both Hubby and Miss Sunshine both had it for two weeks and now that they are better, I'm having it. It's awful.

Well our weather has been hot and cold. I feel your pain about your weather.

I need to keep up with it too, waaaa....
Beth said…
a client once had that, and she gained weight! anyway, buti you knew about it earlier, just follow the doc's advice and take your meds ha?

bka effect na ng global warming ung climate change na yan! naakaworry na talaga...

ingat ka lagi!
bluedreamer27 said…
hello juliana
by the way i just tagged you in my blog hope you can participate on this meme i just created
have a great day and happy blogging
dont worry the tag will starts at april 10 and ends up until may 10 so you can do it if you have time
Gorgeous MUM said…
the weather is really weird everywhere!

anyways, here's wishing you the best with your health problems.

take care always!
blessedmom said…
hello hello mommy j! how are you feeling these days? im glad your doctor's appt went least you know exactly what you more guessing...just take care of yourself always... :)

about your blogging...i hope it's just gonna miss your great writing... :)

warm hugs (malamig jan eh, likewise here) and kisses to ur lovely princess :)

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