Another Day Passed...

We had a very laid back Saturday as always. The little one was very happy because her "playmate" is home. She's 'giddy' as likes to call it because Dad is home. As for me, I tried [in vain] to take a nap this afternoon. I was nodding off earlier while I was typing so I thought I'd give it a try. Not a good idea. I'm just not used into napping during the day anymore.

Dinner was good. I made 'chicken taco salad' for the first time. I always make tacos but I've never really thought of making the salad. I'm glad I tried it because the little one liked it a lot. She said it's the best salad she's ever had...and it's now her favorite. Ha! Her favorite changes by the dish so that may change tomorrow.

That's our Saturday. I hope you had a relaxed one as well.


Lynn said…
chicken taco salad! haven't tried that pero sa name pa lang masarap na. no wonder, the little one liked it.

happy weekend, mommy J!
honey said…
Good night ate Julz and have a sweet dreams....

share mo sakin yun chicken taco salad sa dream ko later tonight ha..

happy Sunday!
Shosh said…
We took our dog, Charlie Brown home from the doctor. He was neutered yesterday.
J said…
my mouth is watering just thinking of this taco salad. haven't tried this one. do you use hard or soft taco shells?

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