Be Original!


I'm not sure if this is good timing or if it's a result of some recent developments, but I would like to thank Cee of Living A'La Mode for passing it on. I am no writer by any means but everything I post on this blog is all MINE! I would rather let a task expire if I can't write anything original about it rather than copy somebody else's content. If and when I need to copy and paste something here in my blog, I make it a point to give credit where it's due.

I am inviting everyone in my BLOGROLL to join in and spread the words:


What is Plagiarism?

According to Dictionary, Plagiarism is the unauthorized use or close imitation of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one's own original work.

To all Bloggers who exert effort to create noteworthy entries and who continue to maintain a Blog which is a reflection of who she / he is, " Good job! "

To those who have the desire to Blog but are merely scraping contents from other people' s materials, " Whether you are monetizing your site to help you with your basic needs or to satisfy some of your wants, do it the proper way. Stop making money out of someone else's work. Otherwise, you are nothing but a common thief! "


J said…
thank you!!!!! hahalikan ko pati ang maker ng tag na ito.

you know what I'm hoping for? that she will be banned forever sa blogging companies. I'm sure she has MORE UNKNOWN VICTIMS. because kung hindi ka lagalag like me, it is really hard to find out who steals from you.
Anonymous said…
Tnx Juliana for taking part in spreading this Tag!

Personally, i am not aware if anything on my page has been scraped but the stories i have heard from a Mommy group (whose members also Blog) here in our place about Online Plagiarism are enough to make me feel impelled to write about it.

I just hate people like them -- to the nth degree.
Lynn said…
what an excellent campaign, mommy J. just in time kasi nga dahil dun sa nangyari kay Juliana though i know ang dami ng copycats before pa.

enjoy ur weekend! :)
blessedmom said…
hello hello mommy j! thanks a lot for this award! wow! i feel honored ha! thank u thank u (with matching bow) :)

I'm gonna post this asap! :)

take care sistah! kisses to ur lovely princess :)

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