Exercise Time!


I feel so full. I’ve been feeling full eversince we visited the Philippine store last Sunday because I’ve been eating non-stop since then. This is one reason why I try to stay away from the Philippine store. I seem to have this urge to finish everything I buy there in one day. I’ve been jumping on the scale every chance I get to see how much I’ve gained so far…LOL. And yes, I managed to gain some already…or maybe it only seems that I have because I weigh right after stuffing food in me. Hmm…oh well, even if I’m not gaining much, I know I should start getting on the treadmill and start using my Adidas shoes that hubby got me eons ago. Aside from helping me with my weight, I read in one medical site that exercise can also help with my restless leg syndrome. I hope so because the thyroid meds I’m taking don’t seem to be doing the job with my RLS.

So starting tomorrow, I am planning in doing what I should have done a long time ago when I started having RLS, walk on the treadmill. I’ve had the treadmill for few years now and I’ve never really used it. I did use it before going to California for a friend’s wedding. I was so serious then in shaping up that I had a whole exercise routine aside from the treadmill and I got me a really nice of athletic shoes to motivate me in exercising. Well, I have no wedding to go to anytime soon but my RLS will probably be enough reason to give this exercise thing another go.

I’m not alone though this time. The husband also wants to start exercising regularly as well. We even went shopping for discount shoes last weekend for his biking shoes. It has been our longest plan to start biking together as a family. The bike trail near here was actually one of the reasons we chose the area. The little one has also been practicing and soon she will be ready for the training wheels to come off. Now all we need are bikes for me and the husband. Aha!


Gorgeous MUM said…
Good luck as you embark on that exercise regime! When Hubby got his threadmill, it was only used for about 3-4 months then it just stood as an ornament! Hahaha! When we came here in Aus, we sold it. Better for somebody using it than just pile on dust in our garage!

Anyways, it has been sunny here this week. That massive rain almost destroyed the million dollar mansions in the Gold Coast because of the sand errosion. Hay, weird weather everywhere!

Enjoy the this Thursday! Wednesday pa rin ba jan?
Ciela said…
That would be a lot of fun going on biking with the family. I'm sure, the li'l lady will be the one who'd enjoy it the most.

Daughter here is also contemplating on buying a treadmill. But I am opposing the idea. I told her to just walk back and forth inside the house just like what we are doing.
Nagtitipid lang naman, actually. he he..

Thanks for the visit. Lapit na pala mawala ang Phil. Store dyan sa inyo. Pano ka na?

See yah again, J!
Sunshinelene said…
Hi Juls, tagged u with linky love tag here - http://sunshineleneforlife.com/2009/05/28/a-linky-tag/

come and Join the ride!

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