Free Credit Report


Running a free credit report is something my husband does on a regular basis. It has to be done unfortunately. Yes it’s an additional task but it’s one of the best ways to keep the identity thieves at bay. You just never know who among those who have access to your information will use it for their own benefit so being on top of it is always the best thing to do. Fortunately, there are only few minor details in the reports that needed our attention in the past. They were on mostly on my report. But other than that, we’ve been spared from identity thieves. I am certain that being able to check our credit report for free helps tremendously in keeping our credit history free of fraudulent charges.

The free credit scores we got from one of these reports proved to be rather helpful in closing a very important transaction we had the past few weeks. Our credit scores were one of the first things requested the husband to provide upfront when the husband went to see some people for some quotes we wanted. It’s a common knowledge that better deals are usually available for those with high credit scores. Luckily, we do have a good credit score. This is mainly because of my husband’s vigilance in keeping track of our credit reports. Because of the free credit score we provided, we got what I would call the best deal we could get out there.


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