Originally sang by Bryan Adams. This one is a version by DJ Sammy. I like both versions but I like to sing along with this one more since it's on a woman's range. Enjoy!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thanks Tetcha .... 001. Name → Juliana 002. Nickname(s)→ Juliana, Juls, Julie, J, Jolen, Lola, Lols & Na 004. Zodiac sign → Scorpio 005. Male or female → Female 006. Elementary → San Simon Elementary School in Pampanga 007. Middle School → Di uso sa probinsya eh.... 008. High School → Assumpta Technical High School, Pamp, Phils. 009. College School → St. Scholastica's College Manila, Philippines. 010. Hair color → Black 011. Long or short → Very Long. 012. Loud or Quiet → Quiet 013. Jumpers or Jeans → Both 014. Phone or Camera → Camera 015. Health freak → Not yet....soon! 016. Drink or Smoke? → Neither 017. Do you have a crush on someone? → George Clooney? 018. Eat or Drink → Hungry - Eat, Thirsty - Drink...hehe 019. Piercings → Ears. 020. Tattoos → Peklats? 021. Social or Anti-Social → Anti-social...hahaha....actually, I am both... 022. Righty or lefty → Righty FIRSTS: 023. First piercing → When I was in Gr. 1 I think 024. First best friend → ...
Welcome to my blog. This is my first try to do this so please bear with me as I try to figure out how this thing called “blogging” works. I am a Filipina or a “Pinay” working at home or from home for the last 4 ½ years and loving every minute of it. I am married to an American and we have a 5-year old little girl. I’ve been living in the US for 6 years and I still don’t know how to drive…LOL. That’s probably the primary reason why I am working from home, well, aside from wanting to personally take care of our little one. Here’s a rundown of my online jobs. I hope it inspires anybody to believe that we, Pinays, can also land online jobs. So read on… Online Tutoring I am a teacher by profession so the first thing I looked for when I was searching for an online job is something related to teaching. I have not set foot in a classroom setting for the last 6 yrs, well, so yeah, since I got here. But technically, it’s only been 4 yrs since I have stopped teaching. The reason? My first work...
...is that still even a thing today? I stopped blogging actively several years ago...so now I'm like starting all over again. I don't even know what to post anymore. A lot has changed since I started this blog in 2008. Yep, that's how long ago it's been. Back then I just wanted to write whatever. I was already a WAHM - Work at Home Mom when I started this blog and that's how my blog title came about. I started doing work-at-home jobs as early as 2002. I had a handful of different jobs I was juggling at that time so blogging was just really something I did during my free time. After a while I did paid blogging. I did that for a few years. I tried to do it as much as I could but my 'real' jobs had to be my priority so my blogging had to take a back seat. In retrospect, that may be the reason why I slowly lost interest in doing it. I tried going back to it every now and then, but the 'mojo' is just not there so I stopped altogether but opted to keep m...