Mother's Day Card

She was pretty excited about this card. She said she chose it herself. It's cute, isn't it? Anywhooo....I'm pretty tired because of my lovely cold so I'll be blogging about the "PIZZA" I got for mother's Day some other time. This card was part of the 'pizza'...

PS: The card is 8-fold[?] so it got bigger and bigger as I opened it...if that even makes sense...LOL.


J said…
hope you're enjoying or you enjoyed your "pizza."

feel better!
Gorgeous MUM said…
Hope you're feeling much better than yesterday, and hope you had a lovely Mother's Day celebration!
Micawatson said…
she is sooo sweet that's what it is. Happy mother's day!
Lynn said…
super cute! :)

belated happy mother's day,mommy J!:)
honey said…
very neat and cute...

get well soon te J.. share your pizza with us..
J said…
iniba nga naman ang gift ha. that's great, eh di you'll have a new batch of summer outfits.
Ciela said…
Sweeeet! Can't wait to see the pizza!

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