

I got my first chance to visit the US in 1999. My destination at that time was Los Angeles, California because I have some good friends there so it was the perfect place for my first adventure here in the US. As expected, they showed the "must see" in their neck of the woods. Aside from showing me around LA, they also took me to Las Vegas. I can honestly say that my Las Vegas trip is 'unforgettable' for various reasons. For this trip, my friends booked a master suite for us. We arrived at the hotel in middle of the day so we decided to rest first before heading out. We weren’t even able to settle down when we felt the room shaking. Yep, an earthquake! Since we’re on one of the top floors, it felt like the building was going to collapse. We ran outside our room looking for the Exit Signs but before we found one, the shaking stopped.

The earthquake didn’t stop me from doing what I came for in Las Vegas though and that's to see the bright lights that the place is famous for, well aside from the casinos I guess. But before we headed out, we toured our hotel first. We made sure to look for the Photoluminescent Exit Signs so if and when another earthquake happens, we would know where to go. That’s the first time I actually did that. I never thought of doing that before in the hotels that I stayed in. But I learned my lesson already. Since that experience, I’ve been taking notice as to where the different exit signs are. I’ll never know when those Self-Luminous Exit Signs will serve as my lifeline, right?


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