A-Z Favorites...a Tag!


Thanks Bluedreamer for this tag. I haven't done one in a while so I thought I'd give this one a shot! If you're interested to join, feel free to grab it! It's FREE!

Here we go...

*Begin Copy Here*

1. Start copy from "Begin Copy Here" until "End Copy" to your blog.

2. List your favourites from A-Z.
For example, starting with the alphabet A, you can list down your favourite Actor, your favourite Anthem, favourite Aerobic exercise or even your favourite ABBA's song. As long as it starts with the letter A.

Then move on to alphabet B. You can list your favourite Book, or Bag, or Blog, or even your favourite Boxer shorts! It's entirely up to you!

Repeat the same with alphabet C, D, E and so on until Z.

If you can't think of a word that starts on that particular alphabet, you may visit My Very First Blog for a comprehensive list of words.

3. Tag 7 people.

*End Copy*

My A-Z Favourites List

Actor -> Brad Pitt, George Clooney...lahat ng pugi!
Beverage -> Water...but if I can get away with it, Coca Cola!
Cartoon -> Can't think of any...
Disney Character-> Mickey Mouse
Egg dish-> Scrambled & a dish my mother used to make for breakfast....no name, eh.
Flavor-> of what? Ice-cream? Butter Pecan
Game -> "Arindingan" [Kafamfangan eh]
Hobby-> I don't have one....boring! I have a 'hubby' though...pwede na yun?
Idiomatic expression -> Can't think of any!
Japanese -> Don't watch any....
Korean food-> kim chee & do ga ne tang
Lord of the Rings Film -> Haven't watched any of the trilogy.
Movie-> Harry Potter series
Number -> Seven
Opera singer -> None in particular
Perfume-> Sweat? I don't wear perfume anymore. I used to like 'Envy' by Gucci
Quotes-> Everything Happens for a Reason.
Rapper -> Not into rap....
Song -> It changes. Right now: Heaven....DJ Sammy's slow version
TV Show-> NCIS, Monk, CSY:NY, etc
US State-> Florida?
Video Game-> Don't play any...
Wizard-> Harry syempre...
Xmen Character-> Wolverine & Storm
Youthful actress-> Cher....trying hard youtful...LOL! No one actually
Zodiac -> Scorpio!


bluedreamer27 said…
ahaha great answers pinay wahm
thanks for doing the tag
Rosa said…
nice post.:)

This is a cool meme! Have a nice weekend Juls!
imelda said…
nice to know u more!
J said…
hey Tuks. how's your Sunday? did some shopping today?

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