Event Planner Needed!


We need the best Holiday Event Planner real bad. It’s not my family that needs it though but my high school classmates and me. Why? To help us plan our Silver jubilee at the end of this year. I’ve been talking about this Silver Jubilee here for quite a while now. It’s a major event, not only because it’s been 25 years since our high school graduation but because it won’t just be us. Our batch as the so-called "Jubilarians" will only host the event which will be attended by other alumni from all the batches since the 1970s. Ugh! It will be an exciting event, yes, but it’s also very stressful as it gets closer. My former classmates have been meeting regularly but no one among us has the experience in planning such an event so yes, a professional event planner will definitely be a big help.

I wish I can help more but there’s not much I can do. Aside from being thousands of miles away, I don’t have much experience in planning holiday events, big or small, myself. If ever the time comes that I will have to be in-charge of planning, I think I’ll do it the smart way and hire a professional Holiday Party Planner like Event Solutions. Why not when it’s one of the best places to go to when one wants to have a successful party without sweating it out. With 20 years of experience, this company is known for its superb services for any occasion. Event Solutions is a well-known Christmas Event Planner which by the way is a woman owned company. How I wish they do event planning overseas. Because if they do then our Silver Jubilee will definitely be a success…


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