One Word Meme...


Thanks Tetcha for this tag!

USING ONLY ONE WORD! It’s not as easy as you might think! Copy and change the answers to suit you and pass it on. It’s really hard to use only one-word answers. Be sure to tag the person who sent it to you!

1. Where is your cell phone? Drawer
2. Your hair? Long
3. Your mother? Straightforward
4. Your father? Hardworking
5. Your favorite food? Seafoods
6. Your dream last night? Nada
7. Your favorite drink? Water
8. Your dream/goal? Bunches
9. What room you are in? Livingroom
10. Your hobby? Singing
11. Your fear? Snakes
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Here
13. Where were you last night? Home
14. Something that you aren’t? Man
15. Muffins? Any
16. Wish list item? Garden
17. Where you grew up? Famfanga
18. Last thing you did? Yawned
19. What are you wearing? clothes
20. Your TV? Zenith
21. Your pets? Hubby
22. Friends? Bunches
23. Your life? Happy
24. Your mood? Fluctuating
25. Missing someone? Parents
26. Car? Jeep
27. Something you’re not wearing? Necklace
28. Your favorite store? None
29. Your favorite color? earth
30. When is the last time you laughed? Today
31. Last time you cried? Forotten
32. Who will resend this? Moi
33. One place that I go to over and over? Bathroom..tee heee
34. One person who emails me regularly? Bunches
35. My favorite place to eat? KFC


J said… used to be my fave place for months on end when I was still in Manila. Parang may season, gusto ko lagi KFC. Not so much because of the chicken but their coleslaw.

Kami ay binisita ng kulog and kidlat just a few hours ago. Good thing hindi nagtagal.

have a great weekend! sana libreng dilig pa rin kayo this wekend.

Tetcha said…
KFC is one of my favorite places to eat, too. Thanks for doing this tag.

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