Man! I Feel Like a Woman!!


One of the little one's earlier video. I think this she was 3 years old on this one as well. Enjoy!


Lynn said…
hello mommy J.

thank u for the visit. cute cute talaga ni erica. ingatz.
Cecile said…
wow, i like that song, too! you are raising future american idol here, Jules, thanks for sharing; she is so cute!
Anonymous said…
thank you for the video.. she's clever ;)
KunthanRaj said…
Hi buddy..thats a nice work...great...keep up...

honey said…
Lovely talaga ni erica.. such a cutie.. :)
Nance said…
puwede na syang sumali sa America's Got Talent! ;)
Ciela said…
Sobrang nakakatuwa talaga! Papisil sa pisngi! he he he...
Ritchelle said…
Ang galing naman,cute pa!

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