My 'Greens'

Recognize the plants? These are the only 'vegetable' plants I have planted. Yep, they're sweet potato plants. I actually didn't have any plans of planting any veggies yet since we need to have some kind of a fence put up first or our 'pets' [rabbits, squirrels, armadillo to name a few] will have a feast...but when I saw the sweet potatoes I had in the fruit basket sprouting some leaves already, I couldn't help but stick them in the pots and let them flourish. Mind you, I am not interested in the sweet potatoes. It's the leaves I've been watching like a hawk...LOL...

That picture was taken last week. I would post another picture but I'm afraid they won't look very pretty because they're almost, um...'bald'. My bad...I meant 'my lunch'!


J said…
the ng kamote? pwedeng pahingi?

just got home an hour ago. dead tired from the grueling day of driving around.

good night!
Ilocana said…
Oh yeah, sarap ilaga ang dahon then sawsaw sa bagoong, yum, he,he.

Anyway, dropping by and checking what's new..
Anonymous said…
Ohh goshhhh Atching Juliana ibiye mu ne kanaku ing metung a paso. Taksyapu amimiss ku ing Pinas. E ma ku madakal yang tanaman keng gulot bale, kuma kung talbus patung keng nasi ay solve ing ulam! Atin pang toyo at calamansi waaahhhh!!!

Oyni maragul na eng farm ko hahaha atin naku murin ilog makapagal akalingwan ko ne ing blog. hahahha ...
""rarejonRez"" said…
ayayay! ang sarap naman! i luvvvvvv camote tops salad!
J said…
I can't get over imagining the taste of the talbos. kailan kaya ako ulti makakatikim nito?

by the way, where did you get seeds? seeds nga ba? I really have no idea hehehe.

Nance said…
I love kamote tops ... sarap sa kamatis, patis and luya! yum!
I can't blame you for having them for your lunch ... he he he
Humnnnn... You gave me an idea how to plant here in this urban area where I live. I admit I wanted to plant but there's no place for me to do it.
Thanks for sharing...

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